Friday, August 7, 2015

Financial Management

Financial management:- It is concerned with the planning and controlling financial resources. It aims at minimizing expenses and maximizing profits.

Prime Objectives:-
  1. Maximization of wealth of organization and owner.
  2. Valuation of all the financial instruments so as to correctly assess the vale of the organizaton
  3. Enables wise and profitable decision making
  4. It considers careful selection of sources of capital for meeting long term financial requirements of the organization.

Traditional Approach:- Procurement and allotment of funds in an organization

Modern Approach:-
  • Sourcing of finance:- Long-term and short-term financing.
  • Deployment of finance:-Investment decisions for long-term and short-term.
  • Strategic Decision:-Dividend decisions,mergers and acquisition.
Terms to Remember:-
  • Working Capital Management:- The convertible short term assets which could be converted into cash within one year of period is called working capital. For example cash,inventory,accounts receivable etc. It measures company's liquidity. Managing this aspect of company comes under working capital management.
                          Working capital = Current asset-Current liabilities
                         (WCR) Working capital ratio = Current assest/Current liabilities
                          The higher the ratio the better is the company's liquidity.
  • Capital Budgeting:- It refers to the long term projects or investments which yields the returns after long term,mostly after one year. It deals with setting up a plant, accepting projects being offered,installing big machines,expenditure in R&D etc.     
        Capital budgeting decisions:-
  • How much money to be raised ?and sources
  • The degree of risk is to be assessed
  • Time and amount of return


  1. Ankita ji,
    can u provide more notes on financial management and other subjects as I am appearing dec 2015 NET Management
    e mail:

    1. Sure I will come up with all the topics

    2. Sure I will come up with all the topics

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. It's true!Learning how to master your money is the only way for getting rich.


    market neutral

  4. Thank you so much... your blog is giving very useful knowledge for all.i didn’t have the knowledge in this now i get an idea about this..
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  5. Ankita ji,
    can u provide full notes of management ?

    Rohit Kumar Garg
